FF7 Unused Text 4: Seventh Heaven
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翻訳: GlitterBerri & 月下飛?
英文: Robert Seddon
刊行日: 2008年1月8日
Translation: GlitterBerri & Gekkahiro
Original Article: Robert Seddon
Publish Date: January 8th, 2008
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Robert Seddon says: We begin just after the alternative version of the pre-promise scene, and as you can see this version starts off familiar but exhibits much more foreshadowing than the final script; this seems to be an emerging trend in the unused text.
『ここで回想へ{EOL} ニブルヘルム村・旅立ち編』{END} | (Go to the flashback here. Nibelheim Village - Setting Off) |
{Tifa}{EOL} 「思い出してくれたみたいね、約束」{END} | Tifa: Looks like you remembered our promise. |
{Cloud}{EOL} 「俺は英雄でも有名でもない。{EOL} 約束は・・・・・・守れない」{END} | Cloud: I'm not a hero and I'm not famous. I... can't keep the promise. |
{Tifa}{EOL} 「でも子供のころの夢を実現したでしょ?{EOL} ちゃんとソルジャーになったんだもの」{END} | Tifa: But your childhood dream came true, right? You joined SOLDIER. |
{Tifa}{EOL} 「ねえ、これからどうするの?」{END} | Tifa: So, what are you going to do now? |
{Cloud}{EOL} 「・・・・・・セフィロスをさがす」{END} | Cloud: ...I'll look for Sephiroth. |
{Tifa}{EOL} 「セフィロス・・・・・・生きてるの?」{END} | Tifa: Sephiroth... is alive? |
{Cloud}{EOL} 「わからない。{EOL} もう死んでるならそれでいいさ」{NewScreen} 「でも、生きてるんだったら{EOL} 俺は・・・・・・あのときの決着を{EOL} つけなくちゃならない」{END} | Cloud: I don't know. If he's dead, I'll leave it at that. But if he's alive... ...I'll have to settle matters once and for all. |
{Tifa}{EOL} 「あのとき?」{END} | Tifa: "Settle matters"? |
{Cloud}{EOL} 「5年前・・・・・・ニブルヘイム。{EOL} 俺たちの故郷をあいつは・・・・・・」{END} | Cloud: 5 years ago... Nibelheim. Our home town, he... |
{Cloud}{EOL} 「{Tifa}だってそうだろ?{EOL} ひどい目にあったんだからな」{END} | Cloud: Don't you feel the same, Tifa? You went through something horrible. |
{Tifa}{EOL} 「・・・・・・・・・・・・」{END} | Tifa: ...... |
{Tifa}{EOL} 「{Cloud}・・・・・・あのときのこと{EOL} 知ってるの?」{END} | Tifa: Cloud... you know about what happened? |
{Cloud}{EOL} 「知ってるもなにも・・・・・・よく覚えてる」{END} | I know everything... I remember it well. |
{Tifa}{EOL} 「・・・・・・・・・・・・」{END} | Tifa: ...... |
{Cloud}{EOL} 「ん? どうした?」{END} | Cloud: Huh? What's wrong? |
{Tifa}{EOL} 「・・・・・・{Cloud}、覚えてるんだ・・・・・・」{END} | ...Cloud, you remember... |
{Barret}{EOL} 「おう!!{EOL} いつまで、ごたごたやってんだ!!」{END} | Barret: Hey!! How long are you ??? |
{Tifa}{EOL} 「わかった。{EOL} {Cloud}はセフィロスを探すのね」{END} | Tifa: I understand. You're going to look for Sephiroth. |
{Tifa}{EOL} 「でも・・・・・・気が変わったらもどってきて」{END} | Tifa: But... if you change your mind, come back to us. |
MDS7 Part 2
{Barret}{EOL} 「いくぜ!!{EOL} もたもたすんな!!」{END} | Barret: We're headin' out!! Move it!! |
{Tifa}{EOL} 「いきましょ!」{END} | Tifa: Let's go! |
「お、おいっ!!{EOL} どいたっ!!{EOL} どいたっ!!」{END} | O, oi!! ??? ??? |
「撃たれるっ!!{EOL} 撃たれるっ!!」{END} | I'm hit!! I'm hit!! |
「ゴリラ!!{EOL} ゴリラ!!」 | Gorilla!! Gorilla!! |
「ヤダッ!{EOL} さわんないでよっ!!{EOL} 変態!!」{END} | Yuck! Don't touch me!! Pervert!! |
「あら、いやだ!{EOL} {Barret}が帰ってきちゃったよ。{EOL} きっとまずいことがあるよ」{END} | Aw, no way! Barret's back. ??? |
「ほら、やっぱり。{EOL} いわんこっちゃない」{END} | Hah, I knew it. Told ya so! |
{Tifa}{EOL} 「ね、{Cloud}{EOL} このお花、ちゃんと{MULTICOLOUR}根{MULTICOLOUR} がついてるわ。{EOL} 「枯らさないようにすれば{EOL} ふやせるかもね!」{END} | Tifa: Hey, Cloud! This flower's roots are attached. If I make sure it doesn't wilt maybe it will grow! |

『ドカドカドカ!!というSEがはいるよてい』{END} | ("Bang bang bang!!" sound effect planned.) |
『ピンボール動く{EOL} ・・・・・・{EOL} ・・・・・・予定』{END} | (Plans for the pinball machine to move ... ...) |
{Tifa}{EOL} 「{Cloud}! もどってくれるの?{EOL} あ、でも、ちょっとまって」{NewScreen} 「プレジデント神羅の発表が{EOL} ニュースで読まれるの」{END} | Tifa: Cloud! Won't you please come back? Oh, just a minute! President Shinra's making a statement on the news. |
{Tifa}{EOL} 「私たち・・・・・・次はソルジャーと戦うのね」{END} | Tifa: We... we're up against SOLDIER next. |
{Tifa}{EOL} 「{Cloud}、助けてくれるのね?」{EOL} 1. 約束だからな{EOL} 2. でも、{Barret}がきらい{END} | Tifa: Cloud, you'll help us, won't you? 1. I promised, didn't I? 2. But I hate Barret. |
1. {Tifa}{EOL} 「ありがとう、{Cloud}」{END} | 1. Thank you, Cloud. |
2a. {Tifa}{EOL} 「そんなこと言いにきたの?」{END} | 2a. Tifa: You came to tell me that? |
2b. {Tifa}{EOL} 「・・・・・・悪い人じゃないわ」{END} | 2b. Tifa: ...He's not a bad person. |
2c. {Tifa}{EOL} 「だいじょうぶ。{EOL} 私からちゃんと話しておくから」{END} | 2c. Tifa: It's okay. I'll talk to him. |
{Tifa}{EOL} 「さあ、下へいきましょ!」{END} | Well, let's go downstairs! |
??? Seddon comment?
ビックス{EOL} 「あのさ、{Cloud}!{EOL} {Barret}は、あんなこと言ってるけど・・・」{NewScreen} 「おれたち、ほんとは不安なんだ。{EOL} ソルジャーが出てきたら{EOL} おれたち、みんなやられちま | Biggs: Um, Cloud! Barret says things like that, but... We're really worried. If we have to face SOLDIER we're done for. |
ウェッジ{EOL} 「{Cloud}さん、手貸してくださいよ。{EOL} 俺、こわいっす」{END} | Wedge: Cloud, please help us out. I'm scared! |
ジェシー{EOL} 「{Cloud}・・・・・・{EOL} なんだか、せつないよ」{NewScreen} 「どうしてなの?」{END} | Jessie: Cloud... You seem upset. What's wrong? |
{Cloud}{EOL} 「どうなってる・・・・・・?{EOL} やけにゆれるな・・・・・・」{END} | Cloud: What's happening... I'm shaking violently... |
{Cloud}{EOL} 「{Tifa}・・・・・・?{EOL} どこだ?」{END} | Cloud: Tifa...? Where am I? |
{Cloud}{EOL} 「・・・・・・俺はどこへ向かっている・・・・・・」{END} | Cloud: ...Where am I going... |
Great blogg post
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